Archive for the ‘Gubment’ Category

Grown Man Names

Posted: May 25, 2010 in Gubment, In the News, Just the Random

Here in the great red state of Georgia, I’ve noticed a plethora of signs spurring me to vote for Josh Somethingornother for some political position or something. What immediately struck me is how much i consider Josh a kid’s name. Seriously, my immediate thought was that I don’t think I know any ‘Joshes’ older than twenty eight.
When i hear the name josh I reactively think high school or college kid. Or a character on one of the WB shows that are more music than dialogue…which would be all the WB shows I guess.
All this is to say that I will not be voting for Josh. No my vote isu not being driven by his name or republican affiliation. Speaking of which, I would love to see a candidate rock propaganda without mentioning their political clan. Think about how potentially effective that would be for a candidate. Imagine the public learning about a candidate because they had no party generalizations to fall back on. I understand it is iabout as likely as seeing a black person on ‘ When Animals Attack’ but it is still a powerful ideal.
By the way, Josh is not getting my vote precisely for the reasons I previously said were not influential in my decision.

Masssachusetts congressman Richard Neal is concerned. The White House may very be outsourcing it’s beer for the historic Obama-Gates-police officer a letter stating an all-amAmerican  (as he has become affectionately known) happy hour event planned for the near future. President Obama’s beer choice is Budlight, now owned by the Belgian company that produces the fine Stella Artois libation. Mr. Gates and Mr. Police officer will be enjoying Red Stripe or Becks, and Blue Moon respectively.

But not if Congressman Neal has a say so. Apparently he has penned a letter to the White House suggesting an All-American beer…Samuel Adams.

Wait, he took the time to do what?  And on the taxpayer’s dime?  Or at least the Massachusett’s taxpayer’s dime….As if the entire White House Happy Hour episode wasn’t enough, now we have other branches of government worried about beer.  If they are that bored, why don’t they work on getting a college football playoff.  Or jobs for the unemployed…not necessarily in that order of course..

Obama to set executive pay limits – Yahoo! News

This is something that I believe is long overdue.  Especially in the position that I’m in now with no job, it is disgusting to hear about CEO’s getting huge bonuses while my tax dollars saved their job.  Something about having your job saved and receiving a bonus at the same time don’t sit well with your boy. 

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The Political

Posted: October 14, 2008 in Gubment, In the News

As we are all too aware, the presidential election is weeks away.  I typically avoid politics as much as possible, particularly with friends.  I don’t want to know know who they are voting for, I don’t want them to know who I’m voting for.

With this said, I wrote an earlier post on my initial thoughts on the Barack Obama campaign.  Those thoughts still ring true for me but they are not why I write today. 

Just as many folks have claimed that voting against Barack as being racist, I feel voting for Barack because he is black is racist as well.  With that said, I have made a conscious effort this year to give both candidates equal air time in my decision making process.  That is to say, when I watch either candidate speak (particularly in the debates), I am going to be as objective as I can. 

I personally feel that for 90% of us, religion and politics are too societal choices that our parents make for us.  My parents were never overtly democratic or republican, at least not as I remember as a child.  Throughout college, I did find that I was more liberal than conservative but that I was probably best described as a moderate liberal…probably on the fence but leaning on it from the Democrat side. 

As this election has gone on, as well as ones before it, I find a strong desire to vote for something.  By that, I mean I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.  As the campaigns have progressed, I’ve noticed that McCain backers spend more time disparaging Obama than ‘Building McCain’.  As a fence voter (or at least trying to be as I’m fairly disappointed with both major parties), tell me why I should vote for the candidate you so strongly support.  If the first words out of your mouth are attacks on the other candidate, that sounds to me as if a) you’re voting based on party affiliations moreso than support for the candidates ideas/goals/plans; and b) your candidate doesn’t have enough strengths to stand on alone so disparaging the other candidate has to be a strength.

Xpinionated LIVE 6/26/2008

Posted: June 26, 2008 in Gubment, In the News

Kentucky Gunman

Yet another coward with no moral fabric and little social skills gets a gun.  I am really getting fed up with the stories of people opening fire over what usually amounts to trivial issues.  image I’m even more fed up with cowards such as these ‘turning the gun on themselves’ after their dastardly deed. 

In my opinion, if you’re ‘man’ enough to shoot someone, and man enough to boast to your girlfriend that you’re going to kill your boss, then you should be man enough to face the families you’ve destroyed, to face the consequences you’ve earned. 

<—Face of a coward — and yeah, I’m intentionally not putting his name here for he deserves no fame or recognition.



Zimbabwe Elections

image Every time I think U.S. politicians are some of the lowest of the low, situations such as the current Zimbabwe elections reminds me of how lucky I am.  Do you realize that people are being killed as a means of deterring votes for the challenger Tsvangirai.   And we in Georgia are worried about Voter I.D. laws? 

It saddens me sometimes to think of how people in other countries live and fear — fear of doing things to make a better life (hopefully) for themselves.  It angers me to think that the incumbent Mugabe has run a country through fear for this long yet my country, who often feels it must police the world, has done nothing to step in — not enough oil I guess…..

Same Difference?

Posted: March 11, 2008 in Gubment, In the News

From an AJC story regarding the removal of the ad valorem tax: 

Most Democrats joined Republicans in supporting the legislation. However, Rep. David Lucas (D-Macon) warned that lawmakers might wind up starving state coffers by cutting taxes at a time when the population is increasing, along with the need for services.

“You’ve got to fund state government,” Lucas said, “and state government runs off money, not water.”

Uh, Mr Lucas, this is Georgia…we ain’t got no damn water either!!!

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The real war

Posted: October 9, 2007 in Gubment, In the News

image You’re seeing the blood of two Iraqi Christian women slain allegedly by private security firm Blackwater.  As the link indicates, these firm has had its fair share of incidences…Oh by the way, one of the women slain was a mother of three daughters.

Georgia is in a drought.  One of the worse droughts in recent history.  I’ve done my part, partly out of laziness, in that I’ve washed my car twice this summer (if you know me and my car you know that hurts) and I’ve watered my grass exactly zero times.  

What does Coca Cola and Stone Mountain do to show their doing their part during some of the harshest water restrictions ever laid down in Georgia?  They will use 38 gallons of water a minute for 12 – 18 hours a day for the next month as they make snow, yes snow, for Coca Cola’s Snow Mountain event in November.  1.2 million gallons of water for making snow….in Atlanta, Ga… 80 degree heat…..for entertainment purposes.

Their rationale?  The number of gallons they are using is but a fraction of what the golf courses in Atlanta are using.  So if I steal but a fraction of what a bank robber steals, it’s all good?  Not to mention, many of the golf courses supply their own water and are not taking from the ever diminishing supply of drinking water. 

I may actually have to ban coke products now.  Wait, I’m a Pepsi drinker anyway and I banned Stone Mountain years ago after that July 4th fiasco.  I guess I can do my part to spread the word….and no, I will not wash my car in protest….but I should!

War Games

Posted: June 23, 2006 in Gubment, In the News

Wouldn’t it be more prudent to keep our (our being the U.S.) military capabilities and defense mechanisms a secret? What ever happened to not letting your enemy know what’s up your sleeve?

I’m sure the U.S. has other tactics that the media hasn’t storied up on but this reminds me of the warning to Iraq that we would attack in 48 hours. I find that sneak attacks always seem to work better. Like Pearl Harbor, for example. Do you think Pearl Harbor would have been as effective had the Japanese told us their plans?

Or remember, ‘The British are coming, the British are coming’? Remember how well prepared the colonists were now that they knew an attack was inevitable. The British were caught off guard because they didn’t know that we knew they were coming….

Now that North Korea knows at least part of our defensive gameplan, they can re-cooordinate their offensive……Not a great strategic call in my opinion…..