Archive for the ‘Comment Board Convos’ Category

This is not so much a comment as much as it is an embarassing testament to the understanding of the English language.  The article is entitled ‘Looser Gun Law, other new state laws start Tuesday’.  The comment is as follows:

By Kahne

Jun 30, 2008 9:32 AM | Link to this

“looser”? Must mean the AJC is concerned the Perps are loosing some advantage over their victims. Now they will have to wonder if their potential victim is armed.

Not only does Kahne impress us with his use of ‘Perps’ as if he is in law enforcement (let’s hope this isn’t the case), but he manages to show he has no idea of the difference between lose and loose.  And to prove that he has no vocabulary skills even further, he manages to use loosing (a word?) in a sentence….yet these are the folks who want guns….scary to me.

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Fascinatingly Odd

Posted: June 27, 2008 in Comment Board Convos

Isn’t odd how many folks on the internet will read an internet story, take the time to sign in or register on the website, take more time to leave a comment and the comment says something to the effect of ‘I don’t care about this topic’ but with a lot more words?  If you don’t care, why waste the time, energy, and space to tell us?  Why not just not care?

Blogged with the Flock Browser

It’s time for a new category on Xpinionated.  I know, I know past features on this blog have often been shortlived.  But you know what, still my blog so read it, comment, and let me do what I does!

The first installment was on this story regarding injury to that guy covering Plaxico Burress on the winning Super Bowl score.

OCleftcoast:  tank, careful, I think I hear a banjo in the background! Yikes!

tankrose:  OCleftcoast, don’t be a racist on here. That is not cool! You have no idea what you are talking about!

OCleftcoast:  racist? what are you talking about?

tankrose:  You said you could here a “banjo playing” are you saying that I am a hillbilly. Watch that BLEEP !

OCleftcoast:  no, I was joking about that other guy you told to go clean his fish. C’mon now,

tankrose:  Yeah, sure and if the shoe was on the other foot, then what? I find that offensive! You have no idea what my skin color is and you are saying I am a inbreed, hillbilly. That don’t belong here. You want to go there, we can. Lets keep it out of that!

Cubbiesfan93:  Geez tankrose, he wasn’t even talking to you. The only reason you should react like that is if you really are a hillbilly.

OCleftcoast:  Tank chill, It was the other guy, his avatar, not you, lighten up!

tankrose:  NO, what I am saying is that kind of BLEEP leads to other BLEEP So lets keep it above that. We anit got to go there. Stay with football! Don’t get all racial!

OCleftcoast:  The movie Deliverance, maybe you never saw it! My apologies.

As I was reading this dialogue that had nothing to do with the topic of the story, I couldn’t help but wonder how sensitive and/or politically correct tankrose must be.  But then the comedy of this exchange rears it’s comical head.  Who knew hillbilly was a race?  And what exactly is the other foot when you call someone a hillbilly?  In fact, for all of his political correctness, tankrose is actually more offensive than any others befuddled by his responses.  tankrose makes several jumps to stereotypical conclusions:  banjo to hillbilly, hillbilly to race(?), hillybilly to inbreed.  Oddly enough, when I read banjo, I too thought ‘Deliverance’.