Archive for the ‘Pop's Points’ Category

Pop’s Points – 12/9/2006

Posted: December 9, 2006 in Pop's Points

To The Race:

Being of Black America, lets begin tomorrow by not using the N- word. While achieving this, lets concentrate on eliminating other derogatory words that we use so faithfully.Speak with words of Love, Peace and Happiness, forget the F-word, S-word and G-word, etc. Man life without profanity is beautiful.


Pops Thoughts 10/5/2006

Posted: October 5, 2006 in Pop's Points
What ever happen to lets make love not war?
While making love did we create these monsters?
Smile, have happy Thoughts and maybe this will be contagious to others. 🙂

Pop’s Points 9/19/2006

Posted: September 19, 2006 in Pop's Points

(originally rec’d 9/14)

Wife been on computer:
Grandson been on the computer:
Back Hurting from planting trees:
Basic Thought~~~~ouch I’m hurting.

Pop’s Points 9/6/2006 – Part 2

Posted: September 6, 2006 in Pop's Points
My wife has purchased several watermelons from supermarkets this summer, none were really good.
On Labor Day she decided to go to Wal Mart and probably try her luck again, but whoa, there was this little farmer man with watermelons on the back of his pickup, one was purchased and boy was it sweet, the best one we had all summer. Point: small farmer beats supermarket.

Pop’s Points 9/6/2006

Posted: September 6, 2006 in Pop's Points
1. Stop blaming big macs and fast foods.
2. The real problem might be the antibiotics, homos and steroids they are injecting in the growth of our food supply.
3. Go back to natural growth, no chemicals.
4. Give farming back to the little man.
5. Give excess food to the hungry.

Pop’s Points 9/5/2006

Posted: September 6, 2006 in Pop's Points

Here at Xpinionated, I am always looking for new contributions.  Out of this search comes my Pop’s Points section….yep Xpinionated’s Pops got something to say!

Social Security
1. Quit sending jobs overseas, they donot pay into the social system.
2.Quit using the money in social security for pork barreling pet projects.   
3. Take the limit off SS, if make 1 million dollars, pay SS on that amount.
4. Cut back on war spending, we could have shored ss, education, medicare and drugs (Prescription).